AMERS stand-up

The stand-up is a daily meeting on the AMERS desk to discuss new ideas, workshop graphics, communicate progress and ask for support.

When is stand-up

The stand-up runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. The joint Westside Graphics meeting with EMEA takes the place of stand-up on Wednesday. There is no meeting Friday.

What we do in stand-up

...depends on the day.

On Monday and Tuesday, the median stand-up should take 30 mins or less. The editor on-call will pick two pitches from the daily pitches to discuss (10 mins). Then we'll give brief updates on what we're working on and ask for any support needed (~15-20 mins).

Thursday's stand-up will take longer. We'll review all pitches from the week and workshop medium or longer-turn graphics together.


... from the newsroom are always welcome to stand-up to discuss story ideas. If you have someone you'd like to bring, simply forward them the invite for the meeting occurance and be sure to drop a line in the Global Graphics channel to let the team know we'll have company.

Missing a stand-up

... is absolutely OK. Please let the editor on call know you won't be there and get on with your day. Missing many stand-ups is usually something that needs a conversation.