Graphics Rig

These docs are for an outdated version of the graphics rig that will be retired in 2022.

Some features described in these docs may already be deprecated.

If you're starting a new project, check out the new Graphics Kit.

For every page, the rig will also build an embeddable version designed to be used by clients directly in their CMS using pym.js.


The embed template

In most cases, you want the embed page to look slightly different from the main page. For example, the embed page likely shouldn't have our header and footer. For this reason, there is a separate embed template in src/html:

  • src/
    • html/
      • article.ejs
      • index.ejs
      • embed.ejs
<!-- index.ejs -->
  <%- include('templates/nav'); %>

  <%- include('article.ejs'); %>

  <%- include('templates/footer'); %>
<!-- embed.ejs -->
  <%- include('article.ejs'); %>

Notice that embed.ejs does not include the header and footer templates.

Notice, too, that both index.ejs and embed.ejs do include an article template, which would include the content both pages should share, like the body text and graphics.

Using EJS template includes, you can configure the two pages however you like for whatever content they share. See more in Writing code.

Writing code for the embeddable page


If you need to write different code for the embed page than the interactive one, use this pattern:

const isEmbedded = window.location !== window.parent.location;

if (isEmbedded) {
  // This code will only run on the embeddable page.
} else {
  // This code will only run on the interactive page.


In the embeddable page, the body element receives a special class, which you can use in SCSS to scope styles just for that page.

body.child-frame {
  // These styles will only be applied to the embed page.


Embeddable pages share the same assets as the standard page by default.

  • en/
    • index.html
    • embed.html
    • app.123456789.js
    • app.123456789.css
    • img/
      • picture.jpg

That means you generally don't need any special handling for assets like fonts or images in an embed page.

Watch out for viewport dimensions

Watch out for CSS rules using viewport dimensions. 100vh may mean something very different in the context of an iframe and can play havoc with pym.js's height calculation.

Developing the embed page

The development server (runner start) will also create a page to preview the embed page within an iframe at a set width. Use this preview to test how your page will look in someone else's CMS.

Access it at https://localhost:{port}/framer.html or using the link in the dev tool in the lower left corner of the preview page.