Working with media files

Where to put media files

Put images, fonts and other static media files in dedicated folders in the statics directory at src/statics/.

      my-image.jpg 👈
      myfont.woff2 👈

How to use media files in your code

When you reference media files, you should always use absolute paths (, not relative paths (./my-file.jpg).

So to use media files in your component code, you need to prefix the path to them using SvelteKit’s built-in assets store. Here’s how:

  import { assets } from '$app/paths';

<img alt="" src="{`${assets}/images/my-image.jpg`}" />

Using media files in component SCSS

Use inline styles to set SCSS styles with your media files.

  import { assets } from '$app/paths';

  style="{`background-image: url(${`${assets}/images/my-image.jpg`});`}"

<style lang="scss">
  div {
    height: 100%;
    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: cover;

Using media files in global SCSS

If you need to load media files in your global SCSS – for example, to load a font for use across the page – the kit will automatically resolve CSS url() path strings beginning with the $assets alias and create the correct absolute URL for you.

// src/lib/styles/global.scss

@font-face {
  font-family: myCustomFont;
  src: url("$assets/fonts/myFont.woff2") format("woff2");