

Most metadata for your project is stored in a reuters key in package.json.

The kit will prompt you for essential metadata when you first run yarn upload and save it in the appropriate structure. If you need to edit any metadata after your first upload, find it in package.json and edit it directly there before uploading back to the RNGS server.

↩️ Restarting a graphics pack

If for some reason your upload to the graphics server gets mangled, and you need to start again, creating a new graphics pack, simply set the key to null, delete all items in array and re-run yarn upload.

Locale-specific metadata

The kit expects a few pieces of metadata to be stored in locale-specific directories under locales/.

At minimum, you should have a locales/en/content.json that includes the following keys with values:

  • SEOTitle
  • SEODescription
  • ShareTitle
  • ShareDescription

When you start a new project, the kit automatically includes a JSON file created from a Google doc that includes this metadata for you.

For additional locales, just add another content.json under a two-letter locale code directory, e.g., locales/de/content.json, with the same keys.