🚀 Welcome to the Graphics Team

Congratulations, you’ve just joined a wonderful team of journalists, artists, hackers (coders), and all-round curious minds.

The aim of this guide is to get you going with both the initial company tech you need to set up, as well as the various bits and pieces to begin working with the Graphic Teams’ main tools.

👉 If you’ve just started, we recommend following these docs in a linear fashion to set up everything you need.

👉 If you’re here because you’re dying to get started with our shiny new Svelte-based Graphics Kit, you can skip to the relevant subsection(s) in the Graphics Department section.

There are a lot of moving parts here, and variations depending on the machine you’re using, so if you have any questions, reach out to your manager, your team, or the current owner of this guide, Dea Bankova.